Sl No. | Name of donor/partner agencies |
1. | Global Affairs Canada(GAC) through Bangladesh Enterprise Institute ( BEI). |
2 | Oxfam in Bangladesh through SKS Foundation. |
3 | Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation (SDC) fund managed by Helvetas Swiss Inter Cooperation (HSI). |
4 | Hygiene, Sanitation and Water Supply (HYSAWA) Fund -supported by DANIDA |
5 | BRAC |
6 | UNDP through Gono Shasthya Kendra (GK), Bangladesh. |
7 | UNDP through Islamic Relief Bangladesh (IRB) |
8 | RDRS Bangladesh. |
9 | DFID through Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) & UNICEF. |
10 | Unitarian Service Committee Canada -Bangladesh (USCC- B). |
11 | International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and Bangladesh Rice Research Institiute (BRRI). |
12 | European Union (EU). |
13 | United Purpose (UP) formerly that was Concern Universal Bangladesh (CUB). |
14 | Department of Women Affairs. |
15 | DFID through M/O Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives (LGRDC). |
16 | Social Development Foundation through BEES ( Bangladesh Extension Education Services). |
17 | Action on Disability and Development (ADD), UK. |
18 | Islamic Relief (IR) Bangladesh |
19 | NGO Forum for Public Health |
20 | Cord Aid & WEMOS the Netherlands (Through Development Organization of the Rural Poor -DORP). |