UDDYOG Foundation is a non-government, non-profit humanitarian organization of Bangladesh. It has been established in October 1998 and located in northern part of Bangladesh.
The northern part of the country is generally known as remote areas in regard to service facilities, service delivery and resources point of view. River erosion, flood, draught and seasonal unemployment etc. are the regular phenomenon of the areas which are roots of all miseries and worries of the population. In accordance of national poverty ranking chart Gaibandha and Kurigram districts are the most poverty stricken district in the country. Besides, the area is also retains plain land ethnic minority community as Oraon & Santal who have a very rich cultural heritage but living below the subsistence level. Poverty, illiteracy, oppression, deprivation and torture are the common scenario of this population.
The founders of UDDYOG Foundation were observing the miseries and poverty of the areas and as well as plenty of unused resources, scopes, prosperities and hopes. In this perspective, they wanted to integrate, supplement and complement the facilities and resource of the existing service providers whose interventions are not at all sufficient to address the problems and prospects to contribute in socio-economic emancipation of the area through some consolidated efforts. Such observations and initiatives were the foundation of establishing UDDYOG Foundation.
UDDYOG Foundation has been working activities development Program/Projects for Women Empowerment, Livelihoods. Micro Finance, Disaster Management & Climate change adaptation, Education, Disabilities ,Health & Nutrition for Women, Adolescents & Children, WASH, Integrated Agriculture, Agro-Forestry and seed systems. Apart from this, we have a good exposure in working with indigenous and ethnic people.
Enhance the capacity of the community people by ensuring a congenial and deprivation free society through awareness raising, education, motivation and effective communication supplemented by need based socio-economic intervention and resource mobilization both internal & external and encouraging the participation of the community people in order to facilitate forming peoples organization who can lead and perform the role of materializing sustainable community development.
UDDYOG Foundation envisages a society wherein common people will reign supreme in shaping their own future. People will be unleashing their latent potential in creating a just and all round sustainable society with their whole-hearted and utmost participation.
UDDYOG Foundation believes and carrying the values- participation, peace, love, mutual co-operation, gender relation and equity, solidarity, self-confidence and respect.
The purpose of the organization is to work for productive and sustainable community action and development, which will ensure and facilitate community participation individual & group development and equitable opportunities for availing & consuming resources by all classes of people.